Presenting in Loco
In Bologna with composers
Natural photo of holding a violin and petting a cat
Rehearsing with Clara Orif and Marcel Cara
With Emmanuel Coppey in Brittany
With Salvatore Sciarrino in Montaldeo
Absolutely not posing
Boswil with Aya, Daniil, Aregnaz and Bastien
During LCS Perivale Concert
After an LCS concert with Cem Güven
Rehearsal break at MİNT
At the Met with Çağla Karslıoğlu
Graduating with fam
Conducting LCS
First headshots
1st LCS the Stay Concert
After the premier of Inheritance
End of IYCA
With Lachenmann in Darmstadt
Conducting Divertimento
With Kirill in Loco
Composers of the Silk Street Concert
After For 4 with two giants
Brahms with LCS
Different angle
After the B with Antoine, Agnese and Alise
Much after the B
Çın Diyarı with @lalethecellist and @cemguvencomposer
Askenras and Şeners
Best thanksgiving with Owen
Shaking some hands at RAM graduation
In Plain Sight - first concert in Juilliard
Teaching ÇK how to ride a bike
Premier of Winter Wind with Lucas and Tanya
Fundraising with Çağla